Disinfection Cabinet - Mikronix Fog

Disinfection Cabinet

Disinfection Cabinet

Mikronix FOG - 4101 Ozone Disinfection Cabinet is an effective and also fast technique for inactive bacteria, viruses and microorganisms and has the ability to destroy 3150 times faster than chlorine. For this reason, ozone gas has been used in many universities and research centers to protect against viruses and bacteria, especially the new corona (covid-19) virus, and has shown positive results. Our Mikronix ozone disinfection cabinet is manufactured to the highest standards and designed to reduce and kill bacteria and viruses without the burden of heat and chemicals.


Our Mikronix active oxygen disinfection cabin can be used in all agricultural enterprises, especially small and large cattle enterprises, poultry farms, greenhouses, cold storage rooms, quarantine rooms, culture rooms, hospital entrances, milk and dairy products integrated facilities, slaughterhouses and meat combinations, etc. It is a machine used to reduce and destroy the various microorganism populations in the clothes and exposed body parts of people.


Our machine can micronize with 1.6 kHz ultrasonic sound waves (5 microns), known as cold steam among the public, and our ozone generators work with 1000 volt spark and 3-atom ozone gas in the dielectric area without the need for chemicals.


 With the ultrasonic piezoelectric transducer working principle, the system is produced with a blowing fan by heating the water with ultrasonic waves and breaking it into very small particles such as 5 microns. The fog created by each ultrasonic transducer combines to form a fog cloud, the resulting fog cloud is blown out parallel to the surface of the water with a fan.


Technical Specialties:


- Operating Voltage 220 Vac / 50 - 60 Hz


- Full Capacity Power Consumption 385 Watt / Hour


- System Idle Power Consumption 90 Watt / Hour


- Mist Generation Power Consumption 270 Watt / Hour


- Ozone Generation Power Consumption 55 Watt / Hour


- UV Light Power Consumption 0.06 Watt / Hour


- Fog Production Water Consumption 5 Lt / Hour


- Ozone Production Capacity 5 Gr / Hour% 3.33 wt 03









Disinfection Cabinet System Features:


- Filtered Water Tank 50 Lt x 2 100 Lt


-Distilled Water Filtration System


- Media Monitor (Visual and Audio) Programmable.


- Infrared Proximity Sensor (No Touch)


- Alternating Warning Lights (Internal and External) - (Green and Red)


- Indoor Ambient Lighting Leds


- Ozone Generator


- UV (Ultraviolet) Led Modules


- Voice Guidance


- Application System


- Media Sound System


- Disinfectant Mat


- Programmable Working Time Range


- Dashboard Indicator Lights


- Stainless Cleanable Interior Cabinet



Disinfection Cabinet Safety Features:


- Tank Water Level Automatically Controlled


- Automatic Filtration Opening and Closing in Systems Connected to Water Networks


- Protection Mode in Case of Overload and Failure


- Power Elements Water Cooling and Protection System


- Cabin Internal and External Emergency Buttons


- Drain Valves for Cleaning and Waste Water


- Grounding Network Against Possible Liquid


 - Electric Interactions


- Lockable Panel and Intervention Covers


- Audio and Visual Information System Related to Cabin Usage


- Anti-Slippery Floor Coating Application


- Handles for Balance Control


- Floor Equalizing Ramps (Market, market trolleys, wheeled luggage, etc.) Double Sided


- Emergency Buttons for Internal and External Intervention